How to Test Reliability Method Alpha Using SPSS

How to Test Reliability Method Alpha Using SPSS | instruments are valid and reliable research is a necessary condition to obtain high-quality research results. To that end, it is necessary to test the validity and reliability to determine whether the instrument used in the study are valid and reliable. In the past I've been practicing How Validity questionnaire Using SPSS and the obtained results are valid for all items of the questionnaire.

After the research instrument is declared invalid in the validity of the test, then the next step I will give an example of Reliability Test Method Alpha Method Using SPSS. Reliability is a measure to indicate that a reliable instrument to be used as a means of collecting data for the instrument is considered good. Good instrument will not be tendentious directing the respondents to select certain answers. Reliable means trustworthy also reliable. So several times repeated whatever the outcome will remain the same or consistent.

Reliability test instrument can be done by using Cronbach's Alpha. The instrument has a high degree of reliability if the value of Cronbach's Alpha obtained as follows:
  1. If Cronbach's Alpha> 0.90 = very high reliability
  2. If Cronbach's Alpha 0.70 to 0.90 = High Reliability
  3. If Cronbach's Alpha 0.50 to 0.70 = Reliability is quite high
  4. If Cronbach's Alpha <0,50 = low reliability

Basic Decision Making in Test Reliability

There are said that the basis for a decision in the reliability test’s as follows.
  1. If the value of Cronbach's Alpha> 0.600 the questionnaire items dictated reliable
  2. If the value of Cronbach's Alpha <0.600 then dictated questionnaire items unreliability

Sample Test Reliability Questionnaire Using SPSS

For example, I will use Performance Data. The data can be seen in the image below.

How to Test Reliability Method Alpha Using SPSS

Download the complete data

  1. N = 40 respondents
  2. Item quesinoner total: 10 pieces
  3. Using a Likert scale as follows: 5 = Very Good, 4 = Good, 3 = Fair, 2 = Not Good, 1 = Very Not Good

Step by Step Method Alpha Test Reliability Using SPSS

1. Turn on the SPSS program and select the Variable View, furthermore, in the Name write Item_1 to Item_10. In the Decimals change all be the number 0

How to Test Reliability Method Alpha Using SPSS

2. The next step, click the Data View fill in the answers of respondents according to the number of items because

How to Test Reliability Method Alpha Using SPSS

3. Next, from the SPSS menu select Analyze, and then click Scale, and then click the Reliability Analyze....

How to Test Reliability Method Alpha Using SPSS

4. Then a new dialog box will appear with the name of Reliability Analysis, and then enter up to item_10 item_1 items to box, then in the Model select Alpha

How to Test Reliability Method Alpha Using SPSS

5. The last step click on Ok to terminate the command, after which it will appear SPSS output, as follows

First Output (Case Processing Summary)

How to Test Reliability Method Alpha Using SPSS

Second Output (Reliability Statistics)

How to Test Reliability Method Alpha Using SPSS

Interpretation of Reliability Test Results Output

First Output (Case Processing Summary) | N or the number of valid data (valid for at process) is 40 units, while the missing data is zero. Here means that all the data is processed.

Second Output (Reliability Statistics) | from the output of Reliability Statistics obtained Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.820> 0.600, based on the basis of decision-making in the reliability test can be concluded that this research instrument reliable, where as a high level of reliability is.

Having tested the validity and reliability of the proven results of the questionnaire is valid and reliable performance. The next stage is a test of normality.

Next: How to test normality with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Using SPSS

[Keywords: Reliability Test Method Alpha Method Using SPSS | How to Test Reliability Cronbach's Alpha in SPSS | Step-by-Step Test Reliability Method Alpha Using SPSS | Tutorial Reliability Test with SPSS Software Complete]
[Image: Data SPSS Version 21]
[Source: Summarized from various sources]

8 Responses to "How to Test Reliability Method Alpha Using SPSS"

  1. Replies
    1. Dear Bro,

      I am very thanks you for your effort.
      I want to know what does it mean the each item Cronbach Value. How can i interpret the each item value.
      (I am very clear for summary Cronbach value).

  2. thanks very much for this info and step by step guide

  3. clearly explained!!! thank you very much!!!


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